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A few years ago, making a website was simple. If you wanted to make an online store, all you had to do was create a page on your website with the items for sale and upload product images. If someone wanted to buy something, they would find the product page on your site and purchase it through PayPal or another e-commerce company. That was then. Nowadays operating an online store has become more complicated than ever before. There are more ways for people to pay for something than ever before. Business owners can use PayPal, Google Wallet, Apple Pay or another payment platform that lets people send money directly from their bank accounts or credit cards. There are also more devices that customers can use to make purchases. A customer can shop on her smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. All of these devices will run different operating systems and browsers, limiting compatibility with many online storefronts. Keep in mind that customers may be using different web browsers on the same operating system. If customers are browsing your designs on a mobile device, they may find it difficult to use features of your site if it was designed for desktop use only. It's important to cater to all of these devices and operating systems. Zebradesigner can help you do that by making your design more compatible with the widest variety of devices and browsers. The Zebradesigner Pro 2 is a free add-on add on for Zebradesigner Pro V1. It adds several new features such as retina versions for iPad and iPhone, multi-device design compatibility, retina supported CSS, and HTML5 support for multiple browsers. Updates will be released every few months, up to three times a year. At some point there may also be updates to the application itself which will make it easier for users to share designs on FB pages and other social media sites. As of March 2013 the product has been officially released to the general public. There is still a beta testing period which allows users to try new features before they are rolled out to the public. Zebradesigner Pro 2 is available in three different packages. All packages are cross-platform compatible and work on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platforms. Zebradesigner Pro 2's website offers several resources for current users, prospective customers, and partners. The product has a blog where developers share their interesting techniques, insights on how it works, and other blog posts about web development. There is also a dedicated forum for Zebradesigner users to find answers to any questions they may have about the product. Zebradesigner Pro 2 developers also offer tutorials and videos on how to use their product. "This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Zebradesigner Pro V2", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0." India : No Longer Launching Zebradesigner Pro 2 ? India : Zebradesigner Pro 2 Launch Team Why Why? India : Zebradesigner And Adobe, A Brief History of How Things Started http://www. cfa1e77820